Health Benefits of Hazelnuts

By Irina Bright.

This article is part of our Health & Foods section

hazel nuts organic Hazelnuts.

Hazelnuts are "forest" nuts which had possibly originated in Northern Hemisphere (for example, Scotland and Canada) but are now widely grown in more temperate climates as well.

They have a uniquely "deep", sweet taste which makes them highly popular as a snack on its own, and as a culinary and confectionary ingredient.

It is for a very good reason that nutritional healing experts promote the health benefits of consuming nuts and seeds as an important part of our everyday diet.

Hazelnuts, in particular, absolutely burst with valuable nutrition.

According to USDA Nutrient Database, at least 60% of the total content of hazelnuts is made up of fats/lipids (most of which are mono-unsaturated); with carbohydrates, dietary fibre and naturally occurring sugar forming the rest of their nutritional value.

Hazelnuts are endowed with thiamin (vit. B1), riboflavin (vit. B2), niacin (vit. B3), pantothenic acid (vit. B5), folate (vit. B9), vitamin E, vitamin K (phylloquinone), calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and more. (Ref. 1)

As we can see, hazelnuts are, specifically, a good natural source of vitamin K. Vitamin K has recently come to the fore as a vital nutrient that, at the very least, is believed to support the function of the heart, brain and bones.

No surprise then that we consider hazelnuts to be an excellent energy boost to our systems.

Written by:     Irina Bright
Original publication date:     2013
Republication date:     2020


1. USDA Agricultural Research Service, National Agricultural Library, Nutrient Data Laboratory (2013). Retrieved February 14, 2013 from: