Parent page of this data file: Other Data Files Which May Be Related to Pegasus Spyware Found on Irina Bright's Apple Devices. iPad 1. File name: awdd-2023-07-01-140727-2876.consolidated.metriclog Downloaded from: Apple Device > Settings > Privacy & Security > Analytics & Improvements > Analytics Data. timestamp: 1688209640106 crashReporterKey: "6ff4f19e5523e3961059da3bb65bb6bd89aaa2a6" isAnonymous: true deviceConfigId: 7386 investigationId: 0 model: "iPad13,2" softwareBuild: "20F75" firmwareVersion: "iBoot-8422.122.1" basebandVersion: "4.02.01" buildtype: "User" tz_offset: 10800 metric_file_type: 1 metriclogs { triggerTime: 1688209633914 triggerId: 3973469 profileId: 253 kCellularSimInfo { timestamp: 1688209633183 volt_supported_bitmask: 6 clk_used: FREQ_4_875_MHZ volt_used: VOLT_CLASS_C issuer_id: [7 bytes] 98 44 74 65 00 80 15 atr: [23 bytes] 3b 9f 96 80 3f c7 82 80 31 e0 75 f6 21 57 20 03 55 02 0c 60 80 00 cf plmn: [3 bytes] 02 f4 40 num_ehplmn: 11 subs_id: 1 } } metriclogs { triggerTime: 1688209630096 triggerId: 524546 profileId: 203 commCenterReliableNetworkFallbackSwitch { timestamp: 1688209621046 state: 0 } } metriclogs { triggerTime: 1688209630096 triggerId: 524308 profileId: 258 metricCCAirplaneMode { airplaneModeEnabled: false timestamp: 1688209621074 } } metriclogs { triggerTime: 1688209630098 triggerId: 524550 profileId: 199 commCenterOperatingMode { timestamp: 1688169600000 mode: 3 inputs { mode: 3 reason: "Booted [OperatingModeManager, BasebandModeEvaluatorAlwaysOn] Airplane [None] CampOnly [None] Online [None] Emergency [None] " } } } metriclogs { triggerTime: 1688209630101 triggerId: 524501 profileId: 169 commCenterCellularPlanProfileSwitch { timestamp: 1688209625761 from_profiles { is_bootstrap: false carrier_name: "Mobile TeleSystems" sim_type: SIM_TYPE_PSIM } is_buddy_flow: true } } metriclogs { triggerTime: 1688209630350 triggerId: 524415 profileId: 200 commCenterOperatorRoaming { timestamp: 1688209630350 home_mcc: "204" home_mnc: "04" info_3GPP { network_mcc: "250" network_mnc: "01" rat: 7 operator_bundle_id: "" is_roaming: true } carrier_bundle_id: "" registration_status: 5 subs_id: 0 } } metriclogs { triggerTime: 1688209200000 triggerId: 2686983 profileId: 417 libnetcoreTCPConnectionReport { timestamp: 1688209200000 clientIdentifier: "CommCenter" reportReason: REPORT_REASON_FALLBACK_SIGNAL connectionStatisticsReport { timeToConnectionEstablishment_msecs: 698 flowDuration_msecs: 2079 connectedInterfaceType: INTERFACE_TYPE_CELLULAR bytesIn: 0 bytesOut: 0 appReportingDataStallCount: 0 appDataStallTimer_msecs: 0 cellularFallback: false connected: true interfaceType: INTERFACE_TYPE_CELLULAR connectionEstablishmentTime_msecs: 227 preferFallback: false } cellularFallbackReport { fellback: false fallbackTimer_msecs: 7 cellularRadioTechnology: NW_L2_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE_UNKNOWN wifiRadioTechnology: NW_L2_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE_UNKNOWN cellularBand: 255 } } } metriclogs { triggerTime: 1688209200000 triggerId: 2686983 profileId: 417 libnetcoreTCPConnectionReport { timestamp: 1688209200000 clientIdentifier: "CommCenter" reportReason: REPORT_REASON_FALLBACK_SIGNAL connectionStatisticsReport { timeToConnectionEstablishment_msecs: 236 flowDuration_msecs: 2091 connectedInterfaceType: INTERFACE_TYPE_CELLULAR bytesIn: 0 bytesOut: 0 appReportingDataStallCount: 0 appDataStallTimer_msecs: 0 cellularFallback: false connected: true interfaceType: INTERFACE_TYPE_CELLULAR connectionEstablishmentTime_msecs: 221 preferFallback: false } cellularFallbackReport { fellback: false fallbackTimer_msecs: 8 cellularRadioTechnology: NW_L2_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE_UNKNOWN wifiRadioTechnology: NW_L2_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE_UNKNOWN cellularBand: 255 } } } metriclogs { triggerTime: 1688209200000 triggerId: 2686983 profileId: 417 libnetcoreTCPConnectionReport { timestamp: 1688209200000 clientIdentifier: "CommCenter" reportReason: REPORT_REASON_FALLBACK_SIGNAL connectionStatisticsReport { timeToConnectionEstablishment_msecs: 226 flowDuration_msecs: 1775 connectedInterfaceType: INTERFACE_TYPE_CELLULAR bytesIn: 0 bytesOut: 0 appReportingDataStallCount: 0 appDataStallTimer_msecs: 0 cellularFallback: false connected: true interfaceType: INTERFACE_TYPE_CELLULAR connectionEstablishmentTime_msecs: 214 preferFallback: false } cellularFallbackReport { fellback: false fallbackTimer_msecs: 5 cellularRadioTechnology: NW_L2_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE_UNKNOWN wifiRadioTechnology: NW_L2_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE_UNKNOWN cellularBand: 255 } } }